Long live the Princess Aurora!
Hail to the King,
Hail to the Queen,
Hail to the Princess Aurora!"
Disney's "The Sleeping Beauty" is one of my favorites, and when I was a little girl, I looooved the opening scene:
The song has been stuck in my head since yesterday. I still didn't have a coming-home outfit for Emma, and since we now know that she will be coming sooner rather than later (more on that in a second), my mother in law insisted on taking me yesterday to buy her outfit. The coming home outfit is a big tradition in our culture. I know a lot of people don't "get" it (including Gaby...when he saw the outfit, he couldn't get over how uncomfortable it looked), and think that it makes no sense to bring a baby home from the hospital in anything other than a comfy cotton sleeper. But I really like it...it's something nice and special to commemorate a huge life milestone. Not to mention the fact that the outfit itself becomes an instant heirloom. Check out Emma's:
So, Emma is big. I had an ultrasound on Wednesday and they are estimating her at 7 lbs., 6 oz. Now, I know that those estimates can be off by a pound in either direction. But when you see her face, you'll see how chunky she looks. Gaby and I both weighed 9 lbs., 3 oz. at birth, so the fact that she could potentially be huge comes as no surprise. The tech kept saying that if I were to go to 40 weeks, she could easily weigh 9 lbs. The ob is concerned about her size. With my frame, they are not very optimistic about my ability to vaginally deliver such a big baby. So we're talking early induction. I go in on Tuesday, at which point I'll be 38 weeks and a few days, and at that point, if I've started to dilate, they'll consider induction either on Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving, or Monday the 30th. So exciting! I was never a fan of the idea of early induction unless it's medically necessary, but my rationale behind that was wanting to avoid a c-section. From what the doctors are telling me, the longer I wait and the bigger she gets, the higher my risk gets for needing a section. So I'm just going to defer to my doctors, and if they tell me that I'm ready to go, I'll accept the induction.
I am so ready. I thought I'd feel anxious or apprehensive about her actually being born, but surprisingly, I'm not. I can't wait to hold her. We got some AMAZING 3D images of her face at the ultrasound, and I am utterly blown away by how gorgeous she is. It has just made me that much more excited to finally meet her. Check her out:

Baby Emma will be here soon! It's crazy how fast these little ones sneak up on us, huh? From the looks of it, she might even be here before Carley (or maybe on the same day?). How fabulous...2 legacies in one month! :)
ReplyDeleteThis is such an exciting time Jen! I can't believe how ready you are to have her be here!
ReplyDeleteSleeping Beauty is my favorite Disney movie! :)
ReplyDeleteSo, Emma is soooo beautiful in that u/s pic! And her coming home outfit is gorgeous, too. Good luck with the induction. I can't wait to read all about your gorgeous little girl. I am envious of whoever you choose to do her newborn photos; I can tell already she will be a joy to photograph! :)